Friday, March 21, 2014

How to improve

This is a great list of things you can do to improve you skills in Photoshop.
1. Follow tutorials
2. Experiment
3. Learn the fundamentals
4. Join groups and get feedback
5. Blog about Photoshop or design
6. Subscribe to online galleries
7. Follow an expert
8. Read design magazines
9. Try to replicate someone's work
10. Participate in design competitions

This site gives great links and ways to accomplish these 10 things and make yourself a better designer. PSDtuts also runs several of their own contests, including button and wallpaper designs. This is a great site for all these things, especially #10.

Now you can hack your cheating man’s Paypal account

Is the man in your life spending entirely too many hours out of the day on Facebook? Is his friends list just full of good looking women? Well, unfortunately, you aren’t alone. The Facebook revolution has spawned more extramarital affairs than you could imagine. Most of these guys are really just snakes in the grass, sitting there talking to women who they are actually running around with, behind your loving back. Now you can nail these jerks by covertly recovering his Paypal password using our free hack. You don’t have to even ask him for the password to his Paypal account. You can simply recover it a though it were your own Paypal password.

If the man in your life is running around with women on his Facebook page, all it takes to learn the truth is to hack the password to the account. You can nail him with the evidence, and leave him in the dust to move on to a man who will respect you. Using our free Facebook password recovery tool, it is easy as pie to catch him red handed.

If your suspicions are aroused, then he is probably cheating. You know it and he knows it. Unfortunately, you just can’t prove it until you get full access to all those private photos, messages, status updates, and friend requests. Just think of all the nasty stuff he has been up to with all those other women. The truth is just a few keystrokes away, and with our Paypal Hack, you can get into his account, and learn the ugly truth.
Take your life in YOUR hands by hacking your spouse’s Paypal account.

If you are married, and your marriage is in trouble, as a woman you stand to lose everything should you wind up in a divorce. He won’t have a dime left to his name you find out he is really having a hot, steamy, and totally unlawful affair. The judge will throw the book at him, and you’ll get full alimony! You’ll only be able to get him nailed to the wall if you download our free Facebook password recovery tool, today. Don’t let the guy in your life wreck your future, emotionally and financially, get ahead of the game and expose the truth about his lying, cheating, nasty Facebook secrets with our password recovery tool.

You don’t deserve to have to put up with a cheater. You know in your heart that something is wrong because your man is stuck like glue to Facebook, in private. Now you don’t have to guess about his password to find it out. And you don’t need to know much about computer to use our paypal hack. You just install our application and in a flash, you are uncovering his dirty little secrets. He will be speechless when he learns that you know the truth. You’ll have him caught red handed and he will know it and regret it.

Video games are art too.

As an avid gamer and graphic designer, I appreciate when elements of one appear in the other. I think video games can sometimes be really artistic and aren't appreciated on a creative level by enough people. Video games add a level of creativity to designs which is concept, I think having a concept and personality behind scenes, worlds and characters add a new layer of depth to the art. Video games are also the leading front for advances in computer graphics because of the immense computer power required for interactive 3D environment, so much of the technology for software outside of gaming stems from game design companies.

This is a great site for browsing concept art and seeing the crazy ideas and art people come up with.